Our board of directors is now hiring!

Rock Cats Rescue, Inc.

Nonprofit Board Member

Volunteer Position/Remote

Rock Cats Rescue, Inc is registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to promoting the welfare of felines across the country. Our mission is to save cats one click at a time and we accomplish this mission through the following means:

1. educating the public about the physical and emotional benefits of clicker training, 

2. rescuing and fostering homeless cats, and 

3. initiating clicker training programs in animal shelters across the nation to increase adoption and retention rates.

We are currently seeking to add qualified individuals to our Board of Directors in order to expand the outreach and impact of our organization.

If you are passionate about animal rescue, have one or more of the qualifications listed below, and are interested in serving on our board, please contact us today:

• An individual with ties to a large corporation that may be able to facilitate charitable giving and/or corporate sponsorship.

• An individual well seated in the Atlanta community with contacts to philanthropists interested in animal welfare. (Individuals outside of Atlanta who are qualified in this area may still apply.)

• An entrepreneur or business manager with successful experience starting and running a small business.

• An attorney who may wish to provide assistance with legal matters pertaining to nonprofits.

• An individual with strong experience in marketing/public relation

• An individual with strong experience in event planning/fundraising.

• An individual with strong experience in grant writing. 

Board Members should have a passion for all things feline and are asked to attend a majority of quarterly board meetings (either in person or via phone/video conference), attend virtual events throughout the year when possible, support the company with a financial (or in kind) contribution, and assist the organization with fundraising activities. 

Rock Cats Rescue, Inc is an equal opportunity organization and seeks Board Members without regard to sex, race, creed or sexual orientation. 

*Please send inquiries and resumes to info@rockcatsrescue.org